Family/Cultural Leave & Educational Activities (3 days maximum):
Students may be excused from school to participate in family cultural
and educational activities. The following guidelines shall be used by
school principals in approving cultural/educational activities.
- A maximum of 3 days (annually) will be available for family
cultural/educational activities.
- Cultural leave days will not be approved during state testing dates.
- Cultural leave will not be granted if a child has 3 or more unexcused absences or if the child is not passing all subjects. For this reason, leave requests will be granted within 1-3 days of the
dates listed on the leave form that students will be out of school.
- A written request for the absences to be excused must be completed by the parent/guardian only and filed with the principal prior to the activity. A request will not be approved after the activity has occurred.
- If a student uses more than the maximum days allowed, the first
three days of absence will be considered as cultural leave if approved by
the principal.
- Make-up work is the responsibility of the student and parent. School/classroom policies on make-up procedures will be followed.
Cultural Educational Absence Request Form(CLICK)